
To, my dear friends that will not read this.

His eyes slowly shut, his mind switched off the cogs fall apart. He sees himself a top of a peak sitting cross legged, disregarding the breeze and fluttering tress. Escaping his mouth he hears “There’s no place like home”. The eyes flutter open and…………….WAIT!! I’M STILL HERE!!……………………… DOROTHY!!!

Regrettably. The majority of us are not introduced into this world with the ability to be in more then one place at a time. Or not even allowed to close our eyes and whizz off to another geographical destination (I will be sending letters to whoever made ‘The wizard of Oz’ and ‘Jumper’ – false advertisement is not something i support). Leaving us to miss the aromas of our home.  To wonder where the sound of laughter went. Protecting memories in case they decide to fizzle out. 

Yes. I miss home!

I’m a traveler. I was tired of reading all these wonderful people going of to see these magical lands, where dragons and fairies fight to save that beautiful princess trapped in the top floor of the tallest tower………………I want to rescue her, I want to discover all these enchanted lands. 

When I came to a place in my life where my sword was sharp enough, I packed my bags and boarded BA and took my seat. I squirmed and moaned as explicitly as possible without words, how the size of my flight companion did not promote my well being during the flight. Then finally came the moment. Setting foot into Barcelona. My new home. In my head there was a black and white screen playing of Neil Armstrong taking that first step for man, It was mans first step into the adventures of travelling outside of it’s realm. That moment was mine. Taking that incredulous step into unexplored lands. Since then I have taken many more. I’m a traveler. I love it. Most of it. During that first step that moment was selfish, it was mine. I didn’t savor a thought for the people that waved good bye. As time progressed something cracked inside the depths of me and slowly grew. The first time I went home to visit the people where I had grown up. It was tough! It kicked and screamed at your emotions! You wasn’t sure when you were coming back. That sense of not knowing can grind away rocks, so imagine what it can do to a fool like me. There have been moments where I have craved a moment or two with those that I left behind. Repetition does not seem to do much for the pain, but it makes you understand why. Because you had something worth caring about, worth grieving over. So you love it more when it is reunited.

I guess traveling has taken me places, it has shown me things that I would have never seen staying at home, but it also taught me however big my world ends up, There are not that many things that can fill it. 

I often think I will be like the young boy in the alchemist. He left his home in search of gold and riches, but the route took him back to the way he came. It took him home. The most valuable thing in a persons life. 

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” 

Each day I’m changing, getting better. I’m just preparing a better me for when I see my dear friends again. 


Yours sincerely….. Mr, Mr. 

